martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Tavels Begin

I sit with a fan by my side, as I stare out to the trees of Cordoba from a window in Nadias moms house...Ive recently returned from the mountains of Cordoba, learning that these trees, at least the native ones, are found within the arid to semiarid forest of Cordoba...Violet, Nadias best friend, taught me this and much more, as she picked fruits and herbs from various plants and trees and told me to eat or chew them, without hesitation, as she began to explain the name and purpose of each type of plant. Violet is a biologist, but, to my surprise, this doesnt mean that she is going to be a doctor, as you may have realized, despite the 6 years she has studied, and 4 to come, rather, she is interested in learning and researching the health benefits of different plants...To say the least, she is unique in the sense that she is following something that she is truly passionate about...These travels I will be taking could take me anywhere, and a part of me is departing in search for what I truly want to study and or do with myself once these travels come to an end...Yet, at the same time, I am departing to take in and learn about others, absorb the best of those that I meet, and open myself to cultures and situations very different from what I am use to...

As I sit here, there are many thoughts in my head, primarily, what is my family thinking, knowing that this path I am going down is likely very different from what my parents had in mind for me after I graduated...I do feel and understand their thoughts and feelings...Yet, I have made a choice to take 6 months to take a step down a slightly different path, hoping to learn things difficult to obtain in school or an office, with my senses ready for anything.

If you have been invited to this blog that means that I would like to share my experiences and thoughts with you in the most open hearted fashion I can, while also informing you about the different places and adventures that ill be running into...Feel free to take part by commenting to the public or directly to me in response to anything you may see posted. Finally, any body that is reading this likely means a lot to me, so I send you a huge hug and the best wishes I can conjure up.

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